Red Funnel Signature Lounge
Getting to the Island is now even easier and more relaxing, thanks to an exclusive upper lounge onboard the Red Funnel car ferry from Southampton
7 of the Best Photography Spots on the Isle of Wight
The Island is full of breath-taking and ‘big sky’ scenery, all of which has been photographed many times by amateurs and professionals such as available light photography or Soul Photography
New things to see and do on the Isle of Wight
Many of the Islands popular attractions have been here for generations, and have been updated and extended over the years, whereas some have changed very little and have preserved their original charm.
In the Press – Flackstead
Of course, we’re biased, but we’re pretty proud of each of the holiday cottages we pick – our exclusive collection only features properties we’d be happy to stay in ourselves. However Flackstead has to be near the top of the favourites pile.
Walking Festival on the Isle of Wight
The popular Walking Festival takes place twice in 2024 with the Spring Walking Festival from 11th - 19th May and the Autumn Festival 5th - 13th October. Both local and visiting walkers of all ages and abilities are invited to set-off across the Island on a wide choice of themed walks.
Isle of Wight Bucket (& Spade) List
There’s so much to do here on the Island for Visitors, it’s sometimes very difficult to choose. So, to help you plan your days out during your visit, we have compiled a list of ‘must do’s’ from our very own Bucket list…. In no specific order:
Hidden Beaches on the Isle of Wight
The first thing most people think of when you mention the Isle of Wight is ‘Beaches’. We’re famous for them, but they’re not all famous.
Cottages by the Sea
Being on an Island with 60 miles of coastline, it’s never too difficult to find a lovely cottage by the Sea, and we have plenty to offer. A full list of these can be found here, but below is a list of some examples you may not know about:
Top Five Spots to buy Fresh Produce
The Isle of Wight isn’t just famous for ‘Bucket & Spade’ holidays and sandy beaches, we also grow an enormous amount of produce on the Island, some of which is supplied to national Supermarkets and even exported internationally. The microclimate that exists on the Island is perfect for growing some of the finest produce and ingredients, many of which can be found in our top five spots to buy fresh produce.